Wednesday 2 December 2015

Introduction To progrmming

Introduction To Programming
“Programming language is the set of rules for telling the computer which operation to Perform”
            The set of instruction is written by the programmer. A Programmer is the person who writes the program. There are Two main Programming languages.
  •          High-level Programming language
  •          Low- level Programming language

High- level Programming language:
                        The first high level programming language were used in 1960s. The programmer no longer had to have the detailed knowledge about the computer hardware. They focus their efforts of solving the problems. That’s why the programmer become more productive to solve the problems.
                        The high- level Programming language were designed to solve some specific problems and used syntax that familiar with the people working with. There are many high- level Programming languages like Fortran, Cobol, java, c, c#, c++ n many more. Some of them are given below :
For Example:
                        Fortran : This is the first high- level Programming language is used to solve the mathematical  problems. The syntax of this language is much like the mathematical formulas.
                        Cobol :  Cobol is the high- level Programming language used to solve the business problems. It’s syntax is consist of commands and the operations that are familiar with the business people.
Actually, Computer can’t understand the high- level Programming languages. It’s works with binary numbers like 0s and 1s. Computer directly works with 0s and 1s.
Of course,  The translator is required to convert high- level Programming languages to the machine language which is understandable by the computer. So for this reason the Compiler is used. Compiler is the translator program used to convert high- level Programming language into machine language.
Low- level Programming language
Low- level Programming language is the language with which computer directly works. There  no need to translate The language into machine code . it’s already a machine language.
It include Assembly language.
Assembly Language :
                        IT’s also an low- level Programming language but it has some features which are more likely to high- level Programming language. So, therefore we have to convert them into the machine code using a converter software.
For this reason a software called Assembler is used to convert it into the machine code.
Another Important Definitions are given bellow according to this article :
Source Code :
            The computer programming code written in high- level Programming language or in human readable computer language is know as source code . computer can’t understand the source code. We’ve to convert it using compiler or assembler.
Object Code :
            The code processed by the compiler or assembler is known as object code.

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