Thursday 3 December 2015

Introduction to MS Word and Interface

Ms Word
Ms word is an application program used to create documents, letter, books etc. It is also called the word processing.
Before the use of computers, the word processing is done by the typewriter. A Typewriter can only create text documents. A special techniques are used to add graphics in the documents.
Now a days it’s all is done by special application programs called Ms Word . the ninty persent 90% of the worlds computers have ms word installed. It’s not only an electronic type . With the help of word processing we can add images, videos, audios, notes, in the documents and print the documents in different forms.
Newspapers, magazines, books, letters are prepared by Ms word. A latest Word processor is Ms Word 2014, and Ms word 2007 .
With the help of Ms word :
·         We can add images , designes, formats and videos in the document.
·         We can easily delete text from the document.
·         We can easily move Text from one place to another place in document.
·         We can delete pargraphs.
·         We can insert text or paragraphs in the document.
·         We can make user –friendly document by designed it.
·         We can print documents in different forms.
Even we can make our documents according to our desire.
Interface of Ms Word (2007)

Basic Features of MS Word
Cut :
                We can cut text  from the document.
                We can copy text from the document..
Paste :
                Paste Text anywhere in the document.
Bold :
                We can make the text bold by pressing bold buttion or by pressing ctrl+b.
Italic :
                It’s used to make text italic. It can be done by clicking on italic option or ctrl+i.
Underline :
                Used to make text underline. It can be done by clicking on U   or by ctrl + U.
Subscript :
                Used to make subscript for example è X2 .
                Used  to make superScript . For example è X2

            We can justify text alignment in left, right, or center and just justify . it can be done by ctlr + l , ctrl + r , ctrl + e and ctrl + J
l for left, r for right and e for center alignment. 

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