About me

My Name is Sarmad Mustafa. I'm Stundent Of Bs-IT (Bechelor Of Science in Information Technology). And my insititute is GICCL affliated with Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan.
recently i did ICS. Now with bs-it i'm also working on Graphic Designing, Webdevelopment, Logo Making, JS, and alos on C/C++. My Dream is to become an IT Specialist and also a one of the most famoust person of the world _ :p _ .
Well I really like to try everyday new things such as tricks, technologies. Moreover I also intrested to read the persons who are successful. thier life stories and their qoutes. some of them are given below that I live most.

Additional Knowledge:

"If You born Poor it's not your mistake, but if you die Poor it's your mistake."~ Bill Gates

"Sharing of your knowledge and your success is the most beautiful thing in the world" ~ well it's mine :)

Some People are born speacial and they have a great talent in them it just depends upon them how they use or refresh thier knowledge.
Well it's all about illusion or reality. everything in the world first become an illusion after then a man can change it to reality. I've also an illusion that is to help other by my knowledge, my work, my character. :) This Blog is one of them. so stay tune and be with me.....!

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