Friday 28 April 2017

HTML Basic Tags

Basic Tags of HTML
There are alot of html tag. but some of the basic and ultimately most used tags are describes below
·        Headings
     ·         Paragraphs
     ·         Line Breaks
     ·         Horizontal Lines
     ·         Text Formatting
     ·         Fonts
     ·         BIG and SMALL tag
     ·         Preformatted Text
     ·         Spaces
     ·         DIV tags
     ·         SPAN tags
     ·         MARQUEE tags
     ·         COMMENT Tag
Now we'll discuss the tags one by one :
Note: below are all the difinitions and some theory at the end you'll find the practical example and also you'll be able to download the source code by clicking here or at the end to see how these tags works. 
And It’s important to understand the every tag should be closed. Below I use single <tag>  to demonstrate the theory. In practical you’ve to add closing tags. Such as
<b> and </b>.

Heading Tags:
                        Heading tags in html used to create headings. these heading used to define something and shows importance of something. it's usaully in large size. it's always bold as we write on copy using our markers. 
in HTML there are six headings. these heading are form h1 to h6. every heading has its own size. h1 has the largest size and h6 has the smalles size in headings. these heading are apply in html using heading tags. 
heading tags = <h1>Largest Heading</h1>  to  <h6>Smallest Heading</h6>

                    Paragraph tags are used to add paragraphs in html. These paragraphs can be add using <p> tag. Every paragraphs written between <p> Here are paragraphs </p> will be separately shown on webpages.
Line Breaks:
          Lines breaks are used to break lines such as we press enter in Word or any other text editor. It’ll break the line and go to the beginning of the next line.
<br> tag is used to add line breaks.
Horizontal Lines:
          Horizontal lines are used to add horizontal lines below the text. <hr> tag is used to add horizontal lines.
Text Formatting:
          Text formatting is the way of formatting or design the text in different ways. Such as we can bold, italic, strong, underline and can do bunch of other different text formatting on the text. Some of them are.
<b>    tag is used to make text bold.
<i>     tag is used to make text italic such as TEXT.
<u>    tag is used to make text underline
<strong>      tag is used to make text strong, something same as bold.
<mark>        tag is used to make text highlighted
<del> tag is used to add a line in the center of the text
The tags like these tags are used to add formatting on the text.

          Fonts are used to make text stylish. In html we can add font style using <font> tag.
BIG and SMALL tag:
          <big>Used to make text big</big>
          <small>used to make text small</small>
Preformatted text:
          In html <pre> tag is used to add preformatted text in webpage. When we use <pre> tags it holds our information same as we enter. For example if we wirte
A                                                       b                                              c
In the <pre> tags then it will display them in web page same as we write them like.

A                                                       b                                              c.

          HTML language used a specific tags to adds more than one space in sentence.
&nbsp;  this keyword is used to add extra spaces. The more we add this keyword the more we have the space between text.
DIV tags:
          Div tags are used to make blocks in html. We can add a lot of div tags in html pages to make different blocks in html pages. Each div tag is consists on single block.
·        We can add different blocks in html using <div> tags
·        We can divide the whole web page in many blocks
·        We can use different blocks to add text , pictures and other clip art to present batter presentation

Span :
                Span tag is used to style a single word or even a complete line at a time. It should be keep in mind that we’ve to add the text between <span></span> tags we want to design.
<span> tag is used to for this purpose.
                Marquee tag is used for the purpose of moving objects. We can use< marquee> tags to move different text, picture, clip arts inside the webpage.
<marquee> tag is used for this purpose.
                Comment are used to add comments in the html pages. These comments are ignored by the html. We use comment to understand the webpage or our coding. It’s very help full to debug our conding.
<!—Comment goes here --> tag is is used to add comments in HTML pages.
Download Folder/Source code for Practice 

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