Monday 7 December 2015

Line Breaks, Paragraphs and headers

Comments, Line Breaks, Paragraph and header! 
Comments : are used to comment in the html. it's now shown in the webpage. we insert them for just remember the things we do in html. 
Line Breaks : are used to break the lines. we use <br> tag for this. we can use this tag without the end tag.
Paragraphs :  are used to make a paragraph in the html. the tags of the paragraph are (start tag) <p>
and </p>(End tag) . 
Headers: are used to insert headers in the html. there are six type of headers in html we discuss below in the coding. these are between  h1 to h6. 

Example : (html Coding with information in the form of comments) 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Line breaks, paragraphs and headers </title>

<!--There are six headers in HTML5 and they have diff. sizes and it's tags between h1 to h6-->

<h1> First Heading       </h1>
<h2> Second Heading  </h2>
<h3> Third Heading     </h3>
<h4> Fourth Heading   </h4>
<h5> Fifth Heading      </h5>
<h6> Sixth Heading     </h6>

  <!--this is the pargraph and it's tags are <p> &</p>-->
<p> This Is My First Paragraph! </p> 

<!--fOR BREAKING THE LINES WE'VE TO USE <br> tag and it's not neccessry to close this.-->

                This is first line           <br>
This is second line     <br>
This is third line <br>
This is fourth line   <br>



So Take care...!
See you soon in next tutorial...!
Regard : Sarmad Mustafa

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