Tuesday 8 December 2015


JavaScript is an programming language used to improve the design, forms, detect browsers, create cookies in the HTML. It’s an most popular scripting language in on the WWW(World Wide Web). It’s lightweight language and it can be run on all type browsers.
Important things :
>> JavaScript consist of the lines of executable programming codes used in html.
>>  It’s usually embedded directly to the html. It’s an interpreted language.
>> Everyone can learn and use javaScript with using any type of licence.
                Remember! The Single Word Java and the word JavaScript are different words. Java is an programming language much more like the c language and JavaScript is a language used to create dynamic views in the html.
A JavaScript  :
  •           Can put the Dynamic Text in the HTML pages.
  •          Can react the Events.
  •          Can detect the Visitor’s Browser.
  •          Can be Read and Write HTML elements.
  •          Can be used to create cookies.

We can use JavaScript in the html tags. And it’s written in the <script> & </script> tags.
Example :
                                <title> ……… </title>
                                                Here we’ll write the JavaScript code.


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