Thursday 19 November 2015

Components of Communication

Components of Communication: 
                                       Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving verbal and non verbal messages. Communication is effective when it achieves the desired response from the receiver. Simply the communication is the two way exchanging ideas, and information.
There Are Six Components of the communication.
1.    Context
2.    Sender-Encoder
   3.    Message
   4.    Medium
   5.    Receiver-Decoder
   6.    Feedback
                Every communication whether it’s written or Oral, Begins with the context. Context is the broad Field that includes Country, Culture, Company, internal or external stimuli. Every Culture, company, Country has it’s own convention for processing and communicating information. Context is playing field in which you must have to design, plan, and communicate your message successfully.
                When you send a message , Then you are the encoder, depending whether your message is written or Oral. You will use a symbol to convey you message successfully in communication. Usually People use Pictures of graphics to convey their message successfully. So that the receiver can successfully understand the message and response according to desire. So in the Sender box you must have to decide the good and effective symbols to successfully convey your message.
                (you’ve to decide that what type of message you want to convey and what type of content will be in your message.)
The message is the core idea you wish to communicate. It consist of both verbal and non-verbal. Your first task is to decide your message carefully and what type of symbols you are attaching for successfully communicate. Message is all about your personality. So that before speak something try to think about your word either these are affected on you relation or not. So  you must have to planned your message before communicating.
                Your medium is depends upon the nature of your message. You have to choice one medium.  You choices include E-mail, Printed words, Written, sound  or Oral.  According to a study the the benefits found in Oral and Written media are :
                Oral                                                    Written
*   Feedback at the time
*   Shortwords(Sentences)
*   Conversational
*   Focus on relations
*   Prompt Action
*   Less details
*   Personal Pronoun
*   Simple construction
*   More Imperrative
*   Can’t make permanent

*   Delayed feedback
*   Long terms
*   Non-conversational
*   Focus on Context
*   Delayed action
*   Long details
*   Fewer personal pronoun
*   Complicated construction
*Useful as permanent records

Receiver is influenced by his context and mental filter.
The message receiver is your reader or listener , Also known as decoder. You message may have more than one decoder(Receiver).When you convey you message your decoder decodes the message and understand your message according to his/her mental filter. If your message is good or understandable than the listener can easily decode or understand your message.
                        “Information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.The receiver react with the desired response based on the clear understanding of the message or with and undesired response based on Unclearness of the message. Feedback can be written or it can be Oral. Sometimes it can be action or simply a Silence.
Regard : Rana Sarmad

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