Tuesday 20 September 2016

BSIT Course Outlines Of 3rd Semester

BSIT 3rd Semester Course outlines

BSIT Third Semester Course outlines of all subjects are given below.
In each outline there are the topics that will be cover thorough out the complete BSIT 3rd Semester. 
I prepare each course outline in the form of pdf With Number wise sequence which helpful for you to checkout how much topics you've to cover in this semester I Hope you'll like it. so let's dive into this..

Object Oriented Programming language :

                  The course aims to focus on object oriented programming language concepts, analysis and software development. The following topics will be covered in the course:

1) Evolution of OOP
2) OOP concepts and principles
3) Problem solving in loop
4) OOP program design process
5) Classes
6) Method 
7) Objects
8) Encapsulation
9) Inheritance 
10) Polymorphism 
11) Constructors and Destructors 
12) Operators and functions overloading
13) Virtual functions
14) I/O and File processing
15) Exception Handling 

Computer organization and Assembly language

the main objective of this course is to introduce organization of the computer system and usage of assembly language for optimization and control. Emphases should be given to expose the low level logic employed for problem solving while using assembly language as a tool. the student will be capable to acquire knowledge that is specific to intel 80 x 86 processors families, as well as the knowledge that is universal. the following topics will be cover in this :
     1)      Processor architecture and Organization
     2)      Memory architecture 
     3)      Intel 8086 register
     4)      Addressing modes
     5)      Memory addressing
6)      MOV the basic instructions
7)      Debugger
8)      Mathematical and bitwise logical instructions
9)      Stack instruction
10)   Interrupts , Memory model
11)   Practice of programs written in assembly language
12)   Control transfer and conditional action instruction
13)   Procedures
14)   Match , shifts and rotates instructions
15)   Process to input binary, decimal and hexa-decimal numbers.
16)   Reading DOS commands tail
17)   Data communication
18)   File handling
19)   Recursions, high-level logical structures
20)   Interfacing of assembly language
21)   Storage of real numbers
22)   Machine code, protected mode
23)   Terminate and stay resident program
24)   Micro controlling programming (8051)

Discrete Mathematics 

This introduce to the basic foundation of the discrete mathematics as they apply to the computer science, it gives the energy to solve real life problem with special skills. the following topics will be cover in this : 

  1) Introduction to logic and proofs
2) Direct proofs
3) Proof by contradiction
4) Sets
5) Combinations
6) Formal logics
7) Prepositional and predicate calculus
8) Method of proofs
9) Mathematical induction and recursion
10) Loop invariants
11) Relations and functions
12) Pigeonhole principle
13) Trees and graphs
14) Elementary number theory
15) Optimization and matching
16) Fundamental structures
17) Functions (Surjection, injections, inverses)
18) Relations (Reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, equivalence) 
19) Compliments
20) Cartesian product 
21) Pigeonhole principle
22) Cardinality and contabilty 

Communication Skills

The main objective of these topic is to develop the Good English writing skills, language and usage of english writing skills, as well as presentation skills. communication skills allow you to how to communicate with the social world. How to present yourself , how to be honest , to be brilliant, to be good communicator, to be a good personality etc. the following topics will be covered in the communication skills. 
1) Principles of writing good English
2) Understanding the composition process
3) Comprehensions and expressions
4) Use of grammar and punctuations
5) Process  of working
6) Observing
7) Audience skills for taking notes
8) Planning message 
9) Writing concise but with impact 
10) Letter formats
11) Mechanics of business
12) Letters, memo, applications, summaries, proposals, writing resumes, style and formats.
13) Oral communication
14) Verbal and non-verbal communication
15) Conduction meetings
16) Small group communication
17) Presentation skills and strategies 
18) Time management 
19) Opening and concluding visual aids
20) Delivery of the thoughts and behind process

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Arabic language

The main objective of Arabic language is to give students an introduction to the basic syntax and morphology of the Arabic language so that they can study the language at an advanced level on their own. At the end of the 3rd semester students will be in the position to understand simple Arabic sentences and decipher the meaning  of complex sentences. All the topics will be covered by the teacher as there is no course outline is given.

I hope you'll like my work. for any suggestions, questions, problems please comment below or contact me on facebook or mail me . :) Thankyou. :) 


  1. Thank you for sharing this information it's very useful for me, Because i'm also doing BSIT Course from Stratford University

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